By Leonard Kamugisha Akida,
The Principal Judge (PJ), His Lordship Justice Zeija Flavian, has announced that the judiciary plans to hold two high court sessions annually to reduce case backlogs and minimize the costs associated with traveling to and from courts.

Justice Flavian was officiating at the launch of the high court session for Kanungu circuit at Chief Magistrate’s Court in Kanungu district on Wednesday.
“This will continue at least twice a year in order to restore trust in the administration of the justice system, as well, helping the community minimize on expenses and distance reduction since most cases come from far corners of the district,” PJ Flavian told residents.
The high court session aims to reducing a backlog of criminal cases including aggravated robbery, defilement, human trafficking, murder, rape and manslaughter among others. At least 49 prisoners comprising 48 males and one (01) female are scheduled to appear to the court after their cases were successfully investigated for hearing. Court said all these cases to be heard occured within Kanungu.

The case backlog according to the Principal Judge shall be presided over by the resident judge, His Lordship Justice Chemtai.
Residents who spoke to Parrots Media commended the judiciary for bringing services closer to people and pledged to actively get involved in testifying to ensure that the perpetrators are punished accordingly.
Present at the launch were judicial officers, clergymen, Kanungu local government officials, prisons representatives, residents among other dignitaries.