KIU moved from the 4th position from the October 2020 webometric rankings to the 3rd position in the January 2021 rankings.
The webometric has ranked Kampala International University the third best university and a leading private university in Uganda in the January 2021 webmetric university rankings.
The university follows Makerere University and Mbarara University of Science and Technology [MUST] which were ranked in 1st and 2nd positions respectively, but maintained its 1st position as a leading private university in Uganda.
In October 2020, the university was ranked the 4th best university in Uganda and this has since improved aaccording to the January 2021 rankings.
The “Webometrics Ranking of World Universities” is an initiative of the Cybermetrics Lab, a research group belonging to the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), the largest public research body in Spain.
CSIC is among the first basic research organizations in Europe. The CSIC consisted in 2006 of 126 centers and institutes distributed throughout Spain.
Thebody promotes scientific research to improve the progress of the scientific and technological level of in countries which contributes to increase the welfare of the cstrategies
Established in 2004, the body currently ranks 31,000 Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) from more than 200 countries across the globe.
The rankings are based on the university’s volume of the Web content, the visibility / openness, and the impact of web publications on the consumers.
According to the webometrics, the ranking system aims to promote academic web presence, supporting the Open Access initiatives for increasing significantly the transfer of scientific and cultural knowledge generated by the universities to the whole Society.
KIU is among the world universities benefiting from this system with online content and e-learning facilities published on the university digital website publising and other digital platforms.
The University was also ranked the 123rd position on the African continent and 3573 best university worldwide.