The student’s Muslim association of Kyambogo University led by their chairperson Lule Bashir issued a letter to the University Dean of students in protest to the unfair treatment of the Muslim fraternity at the entry and exit points of the university.
According to the letter, the association’s chairperson says that the act commited by security officers violates Articles 24 and 29 of the constitution of Uganda which states
“No person shall be subjected to any form of torture, cruel, in human or degrading treatment”
“Freedom to practice any religion and manifest such practice which shall include the right to belong to and participate in the practices of any religious body or organization, in a manner of consent with this constitution” Lule said.
Hon Nkurunziza Alphonse a student leader and activist, acknowledged to the claims that the allegations were valid and have been a challenge to the Muslim community.
This comes at a time institutions and organisations are cognisant with security in the wake of bomb blasts that have distablized the country with havoc and claimed human lives.