“Face Masks should be completely covering your mouth and the nose,” Minister Acheng advised.
Minister of Health Hon Dr Jane Ruth Acheng has advised the public on the proper wearing face masks to combat the spread of corona virus from an infected person to another person and also protecting oneself from acquiring the disease.
According to Minister Acheng, face masks are wrongly worn putting lives of the users at high risks of acquiring the disease.
“Face Masks should be completely covering your mouth and the nose,” Minister Acheng advised.
Dr Acheng was speaking to the clergy and the citizens during the televised national prayer day at State House Entebbe.
She that some masks already in the market are not safe for human use. She urges the public to use double layered face masks which have protective filters inside.
In his Speech, President Museveni expressed dissapointments by some members of the public who improperly use face masks.
“People think a mask is for decoration. They hang it under their chin. Why don’t you go and buy a necklace? ” Museveni looks disappointed.
He said face masks are medical equipments designed to protect one’s life.

During the Prayers, thePresident told the clergy that Uganda’s quick decisions to put stringent measures on lockdown helped in managing to avoid severe effects of COVID-19 than letting some patients die as it is a case in some European countries.
The President expressed that government has worked with concerted efforts to address the challenges of desert locusts and floods at Lake Vicyoria which have become threats to the country.
The Prayers were attended among other dignitaries; Former PM Rt Hon John Patrick Amama Mbabazi and his wife Jacqueline Mbabazi, PM Ruhakana Rugunda, Cabinet Ministers, MPs and Religious Leaders under their umbrella of IRC (Interreligious Council of Uganda) led by Mufti Sheikh Shaban Mubajje, President if the Council, Bishop David Luganda, PR Robert Kayanja, Archbishop Cyprian Kizito Lwanga of Kampala Archdiocese and Archbishop Steven KAZIMBA Mugalu of the COU.