By Isaac Tayebwa and Leonard Kamugisha Akida,
A total of 2,554 students have on Saturday June 11th, 2022 graduated at Kampala International University at the graduation ceremony held at the main campus in Kansanga Kampala.
Records at the university academic registrar’s office indicate that male students graduated in large numbers as compared to female students. The ratio of male graduands to female graduands is 1359 males (57 %) to 1035 females (43%) although the records shows an increase in the number of females graduating at KIU as reported in the previous years.
The graduands have been awarded PhD, Masters, Degrees and Certificates in different academic diaciplines for completing their course studies.
Further academic records shows that male students performed better than female students in this graduation ceremony. A total of 19 students passed in First Class including 12 males and 7 (seven) females.
Amon Mawejje,(BBA), Emmanuel Robery Musoke (BCS) topped the list of male best performers with a CGPA of 4.63 and 4.61 respectively while the top best female performers are Faustine Makankiko (BBA) with a CGPA of 4.53, Christine Musiimenta (BBA) and Elma Mable Asio (BMC) who all scored CGPA of 4.52.
The biggest percentage of first class students were from the college of Economics, College of Humanities, College of Education and Distance Learning, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences among others.
Bachelors of Business Administration, Bachelors of Mass Communication and Bachelor of Education Science topped list of graduabds with first class degrees.
Speaking at the graduation ceremony, Hon. Micheal Mawanda Maranga, the vice chairperson of the KIU University council also the Igara East member of parliament commended KIU management headed by the chairman Board of Trustees, Dr. Al-hajji Hassan Basajjabalaba for ensuring progress especially in the post COVID-19 era.
“KIU keeps demonstrating capacity as the leading private university in Uganda and second best overall that is ready to successfully face the challenges that have resulted from the pandemic and related effects,” MP Mawanda said
He added; “Its common knowledge that many institutions have been advancely affected and the activities significantly disrupted by the COVID-19. And its only those that were willing to
for his exceptional vision and contributions towards growing the education system in Uganda.
Mawanda has further hailed Basajjabalaba for giving study scholarships to students with financial difficulties attain their academic dreams.
“I also wish to thank the chairman Board of Trustees Dr Al-hajji Hassan Basajjabalaba who has offered a a 50% tuition fees bursary to Post Graduate students enrolling in 2022/23 Academic Year. This is a huge milestone on human capital development”, he said

Whileaddressing the congregation, Dr. Hassan Basajjabalaba appealed to the National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) to start ranking universities according to performances in their offered programmes.
“I want to thank NCHE especially since the new Executive Director Prof Mary J.N Okwakol for doing a very good difference in getting our programmes accredited.” Basajjabalaba said
He added; “I urge you (NCHE) to consider ranking universities per programmes of studies such as medicine, agriculture, engineering, law, arts etcetera by evaluating their performances based on categories like products, facilities and starting. This will help institutions to improve on performances than saying this university is good and this is bad.”
The Kampala International University Vice Chancellor Prof Mouhamad Mpezamihiigo who represented the chancellor Prof Mahmood Mamdani revealed to the audience some of the achievements that KIU has so far attained.
According to the VC, the NCHE has successfully accredited 10 PhD programmes to be offered by KIU among several other achievements.
“We submitted several PhD programmes to the NCHE among them was PhD in medicine l, pharmacy, public health, economics, chemistry, mathematics, IT, computer science and applied statistics,” he said.
“I want to inform you that our PhD programmes have been accredited except for medicine which we hope to get positive outcomes.” Prof Mpezamihiigo disclosed.
He said the PhDs are going to have alot of research opportunities necessary for the driving of the university and the country’s research agenda as well as attracting more funding and visibility.
As one way of enhancing efficiency and effectiveness at the KIU teaching hospital in Ishaka Bushenyi, the VC has said that the university has installed a software called ‘Clinic Master‘ to manage patient information and ease service delivery at the hospital.
The professor further noted that KIU has entered MoU with regional referral hospitals and other private hospitals in the region to offer hands-on training to their medicine and public health students as well as promoting research.
The KIU 25th Graduation Ceremony was officiated by renown Ugandan academicia also former Makerere University Chancellor Prof Mondo Kagonyera who commended KIU for being ranked the leading private university and the second best overall in Uganda.
“This is the first time I am visiting this university although I have been in close contacts contacts to the promoters and some members of management of this university. But, I must confess that I had not how great KIU is until I listened to the Vice Chancellor speech. I have just learnt alot this morning.” Prof Mondo said in his opening remarks

“I take note and happily saw that KIU is one of the few universities that stood on the COVID-19 challenges. You have been conducting distance learning and held three virtual gradations. This indeed is a sign of a leafing university because you have improved your worth and demonstrated that even in times of lockdowns you could work hard to ensure continuity of the university activities.”
He appealed to other universities to benchmark on KIU and take lessons good for them.
In his speech, Prof Mondo congratulated tje graduands on their academic achievements stating that they use the knowledge acquired at the university for career development
“Today, KIU releases yet another batch of graduates to the world of work in the most beautiful tough times given the economic hardships resulting from the lockdown. We are optimistic that what they have acquired at KIU will be the straight board of success in their various job careers,” he said
He also appealed to them to have the value of knowledge if they are to ably fit in this highly demanding world of work
Where as most people focus on skills and competences, Prof Mondo argues; its important to understand the value of knowledge because it is the unlock of all human problems.
“Knowledge brings wisdom and understanding. Therefore, I appeal to you to live a life driven by the values of knowledge. Seek it as much as you can and determine how to apply it for your own good, the good of your community and the global society at large,” Prof Mondo Kagonyera urged
Graduates have also been urged to be extra careful not to misuse modern technologies as it may cause negative repercussionson their lives.
“Alot has come to surface in this era of disruptive technologies, thus you must be careful not to misuse the knowledge you acquired for there will be consequences for that misuse.” Prof Mondo warned
Additionally, the professor has asked graduands to preserve moral integrity in the society they are going to serve.
“I want to emphasize on the aspects of hinesty and trust – ethical values. No amount of acquired knowledge is going to be employed if you don’t have these values.”
Profess Mondo has decried corruption evils that are eating up the country imploring graduates to practice patience, honesty and trust in order to end corruption in the society.
“Our business work and study elements are polluted with dishonesty, lack of trust and worse still, corruption. You are to guard against all these vices. You must stand out as strong pillars and champions of society and be good role models to others”, the profesdor urged
To the KIU management, Prof Mondo Kagonyera has appealed to the university to invest in research and innovations, build knowledge hubs if they are to make KIU a leading research and innovation university.
“I call upon the Vice Chancellor and his management team to build knowledge hubs in each academic school, colleges and faculties to ensure that students have access to rwsources to acquire knowledge. This requires investment in research and facilities.”