The Uganda People’s Defence Force (UPDF) Joint Staff Commisariat Maj.General Henry Masiko has urged over 800 student leaders of Higher Institutions of learning who are undergoing a Patriotism and Ideological training at Nkumba University to utilize their youthful time sufficiently if they are to create solutions of the people they lead.
“As a leader, your role is to bring solutions, not to demonstrate, quarrel, or exacerbate problems. Leaders solve problems; they don’t create more problems.” He said
Masiko made the remarks while delivering a lecture to student leaders from all Higher Institutions of learning across the coubtry who are undergoing a patriotism and Ideological training at Nkumba University.
He reminded the student leaders that once all leaders use their prime time to prepare and front discipline, they will be in position to provide answers and solutions to the problems faced by the people they lead.

“Use your youthful time to prepare, volunteer, and cultivate discipline because leadership is about creating solutions, not problems,”
“As a leader of an institution, you are expected to provide answers not excuses Imagine visiting a hospital and a doctor says they can’t handle your situation – that’s unacceptable.”He noted
Masiko added that it is important for leaders to always reflect on their leadership skills urging that leadership is about making a positive impact as well as finding solutions to challenges.
He further urged the young leaders to be selective in adopting ideas, prioritizing those that promote the preservation of African heritage, traditions, and culture.
His call to action encourages critical thinking and discernment among young people, as they navigate various ideologies and perspectives.
He advised them to always make informed decisions about which ideas to adopt and which to reject, assess the potential impact of those ideas on their lives,communities and culture.
The students leaders’ Moses Mufakinanye a GRC member at Makerere Unversity expressed gratitude for the training acknowledging its timeliness and potential impact.
” We have been taken through how to sacrifice, love our country and such training comes at a right time when most of the youth are going a stray, we have taught how to analyse factors of production and how best we can use them to propel them to do right things ,I expect to be equipped with knowledge and skills on how to deal with negative forces and after here I will inspire others.” Said Mufakinanye
Belynda Amanya, a student leader from Gulu University, and a speaker of the 6th East African Youth Parliament expressed her gratitude for the opportunity to be part of the patriotism induction.
” This is an amazing opportunity for us leaders and i know it is going to be so impactful to us the youth, listening to a variety of speakers has been great because as young people when we grow up we want to run for inter national things and forget our own country but we have learnt how to love,defend and sacrifice for our own country as well as learning what it takes
for us the current generation to thrive in our country regardless of gender,social status among other factors.” She highlighted.
On his part, Ian Gumisiriza Jeremiah the Principal Communications Officer at the National Secretariat for Patriotism Corps (NSPC) Office of the President highlighted the training’s aim saying that it to equip leaders of Higher Institutions learning with leadership skills which will help them to handle different issues and provide possible solutions.
” We are here at Nkumba conducting a patriotism training for student leaders from all Institutions from across the country with the aim of equipping them with capacity and capabilities to handle different t issues because they are supposed to provide solutions,we are training them to know how to take responsibility especially in descion making,”
“Our Commissioner Hellen Seku with the guidance of our Chief Patron and President of Uganda Yoweri Museveni saw it fit to go organise this training.” He noted
The two weeks training will be officially closed by President Museveni and First Lady and Minister of Education and Sports Janet Museveni on January 17.