By Ritah Akandinda
Leonard Kamugisha
With only a few days (seven) to 2019 Valentines day; we should be having a rough idea of what are the worst places love novices should find love given the number of places these birds have arranged to make their meeting points. Certain places though romantic and holy aren’t worthless date points!
Our The Parrots Love Birds bring to you the most six worst places where to find love before you fall into a trap this forthcoming Valentines as you choose your date.
CHURCH; singles in churches and worship centres ought be extra careful when choosing partners in holy places. The men and women you see in church wearing jovial faces are sheep in a folk. They’re ambitiously missioned to corrupt your emotions and later after achieving their goals they’ll disappear unnoticed. Desist from the bombs ready to explode and destroy your spiritual man. Let this not be you to fall for their angelus but devilish voices in choirs and community groups. You still can find loving men/women outside church.
SOCIAL MEDIA; internet and social media platforms are today acting as meeting points for both novices and retirees in love ❤. However; the victims. Of blind dates have named SoSo the worst place to find love. Homosexuals; lesbians; drug addicts and kidnappers own accounts and pages on internet. Beware of who you call your valentine on social media!
CAMPUS; for those who have made it to the university and other higher levels of education won’t cease narrating that Love at campus is all about sleeping with each other (sex) ; visitations in the halls of residence; boozing; beaching and holding each others hands on evening walks. The rest becomes memories of your photo selfies; romantic texts shared and the tales from friends soon after campus. Its worth saying that campus relationships do not prosper beyond the university’s gates.
IN TAXI; ever been in a taxi or any a passenger’s van and gazed at a guy exchanging contacts or business cards with a juicy bae beside him? You gat what we say. Some people’s feelings are so strong that they can raise beyond the recommended temperatures and break down the thermometer. Those endearing to find love in Taxis should be ready to fall for vampire; harlots; homosexuals; thugs. Swallow up your greed before exchanging your personal whereabouts in the names of sex and relationships. The devil is travels too.
RADIO/Tv PROGRAMS; the media is re known for being a romantic bridge to link up lovers. Radios; Tvs and Newspapers /Magazines have programs and pull outs that act as meeting points for intimated ones. Didn’t media animals use the Vision group’s Intimate pull out to defend Brian Isiko against his love admirer Honorable Sylvia Rwabwogo on Social media? It’s alleged that the former might have read the story in the papers and picked interests in his prey. Nonetheless love birds who have fallen in love via media curse the dates they got connected to their dear ones. The surprise calls on R/Tvs are cardinal causes of break UPs. Media too hides the innermost traits of those seeking for lovers on radios;TVs and in papers’ Single & Searching segments.
FUNERALS; on reading this; one would think that all who attend burial ceremonies are real mourners. Wapi! You got it wrong. Some are a gnut set on a trap to the bereaved’s hearts. They sugarcoat their words and may think they are consoling you instead they’re finding means of consolidating their sexual and romantic feelings in you. Beware of their sympathetic but rather destructive faces…
You will find many worst places where to find love as you read from other sources / writers. However; its good to note that there are a few lovers who have found true love in some of the places listed in our article nevertheless others have named their the worst owing to their past experiences and others reasons you read in this piece. No matter what the place is you must be extra careful about the place where you’re finding your love partner.