By Leonard Kamugisha Akida
The importance of having financial independence women cannot be overstated. It is the number one reason women move from what previously seemed their comfort zone and now to go to work or work from home as they would be able to support themselves or their children without relying on others.
In efforts to encourage other women to earn and manage their own money, the internet has simplified the work of both men and women using advanced technologies to run their errands many as digital influencers, informers and others use the internet for social networks.
It’s earnest to note that majority of women internet users have received cyber harassment either from fellow women or men that they out/compete in businesses.
Christine Joy Turamuhawe, CEO at Cjay Home Solutions, a reputable brand that offers cleaning and fumigation services in Uganda says many digital influencers on Twitter work in abusive environment from people who think that they (women) give in sex inexchange for money-making opportunities.
“Very many girls get gigs because they have the numbers on social media and because they are good at creating product awareness. Not because they sleep with the gig plug,” Turamuhawe said
According to her, this is fake misconception aimed to taint the credibility of female influencers and people who make such tweets have no proof but doing it for cheaper popularity or malice.
“They just make such tweets to either chase clout or console themselves for not being offered the same opportunities these girls are given on merit,” she explained
Priscah Atuhaire, an online journalist based in western Uganda says that cyber harassment cause psychological disorientations to women which limits their freedom of expression on the internet.
“Women have adopted the internet as their critical space to express themselves and make their voices heard. But, social media is becoming a zone for violence against women and these violence and abuses deny women their rights to express themselves equally, freely and without fear,” she said
Atuhaire defines some of online violence as sexual harassment,cyber bullying, body shaming and sharing of intimate images and videos also knowns as ( revenge for porn) which she says cause emotional, and psychological damage among women .
She appeals to human rights activists and partners find ways to create a wareness to make internet a safe space for women.
Congruent with the arguement by Atuhaire, the CEO at Cjay also a Sexual Reproductive Health Rights activist, Turamuhawe appeals to internet users to credit Women for getting opportunities than shaming them for working.