Preacher, Creflo Dollar, has revealed that tithing is not biblical and apologized to his congregation for his previous teachings that encouraged tithing.
The man of God who has been an advocate for tithing for many years, during a recent sermon in his church, admitted that all his previous teachings on tithing and giving were wrong.
“I want to start off by saying to you that I’m still growing, and that the teachings that I’ve shared with you on the subject of tithing were not correct. And today I stand in humility to correct somethings that I’ve taught for years and believed for years, but could never understand it clearly because I’d not yet being confronted with the gospel of grace, which has made the difference.
“I want to apologize because if it wasn’t for me going down that route, I wouldn’t have ended up where I am right now. But I will say that I have no shame at all by saying to you to throw away every book, every tape and every video I’ve made on the subject of tithing.”
“Why is this important, because religion is sustained by two factors; fear and guilt. And if there’s one subject that the church has used for a very long time to kee people in fear and guilt, it’s in that subject of tithing. And it has to corrected now. I may lose some friends, preachers may not invite me no more but I think I already been through that so it doesn’t matter.”
Because some ministers made mistakes in their teaching on tithing by inducing fear and compelling men to tithe, and even teaching that beleivers will go to hell by not tithing etc does not mean tithing which is a foundational teaching on giving is wrong.
Men who give tithe know the benefits, telling them not to give tithe is useless. I owe all i have and will ever have to God. Tithing is an introduction to giving.
Why did God refused Cain’s offering was Cain a thief or a prostirute. God has standards. What made the widow’s offerring more than that of others was it because she was a widow?
Do you think tithing is an invention to rob the Church?
Tithing is an introduction to giving. It cost to propagates God work my friends.
Church wise up, i see an enemy, pastors should correct their wrong teachings and leave tithing alone.
You that is reading this now, how much of your earnings is given to your Church for, discipling, missions, pastors upkeep, projects, the needy, orphans ect.
Wise up.