By Mercy Agumenaitwe and Brave Tumuranzye,
King Oyo’s acolyte Right Honourable Bernard Tungakwo Ateenyi, also the prime minister of Tooro Kingdom has resigned.
The Premiere has announced his resignation earlier this day in a resignation letter to the Kingdom head, Omukama Oyo Nyimba Kamba Iguru Rukidi IV.
According a resignation letter dated August 20 which Parrots UG seen, Tungakwo said his resigning to avoid conflicts of interest to allow him prepare for the new assignment at a national level in the cultural fraternity.
He expressed gratitudes for serving the kingdom in the capacity of the Prime Minister and pledged to continue promoting its interests.
“I will continue to promote and support the cause and interests of Tooro kingdom in my new assignments and will where possible be available for consultations to any person that you shall choose as my replacement,” Premiere Tungakwo said

Tungakwo was appointed Prime Minister of Tooro kingdom in June 2015 replacing Stephen Kaliba whose 2-year-term contract had ended in April that year.
The resignation takes immediate effect. However, Tungakwo’s new assignment has not yet been established by press time.