By :Charles Katabalwa.
Uganda Network of young people living with HIV & AIDS (UNYPA) started in 2003 to provide leadership and coordinate the greater and meaningful involvement and participation of YPLHIV in Uganda in the national, regional and global HIV and AIDS response , advocates improving the quality of life of young people living with HIV in Uganda and as a network also it is driven by the needs of young people living with HIV and implements an evidence informed national programme and advocacy for YPLHIV to lead healthy and productive lives.
The Executive Director of UNYPA Ruth Awori during the celebration at hotel African says after reaching the milestone of 20 years they are not closing the shop but instead doing other initiatives aiming at improving the status of YPLHIV and the main target is to construct thier training centers estimated to cost ugx 1.5bn including buying land, construction and installation of needed equipments.
“We have a strategic plan 2024-2026 with objectives of ,strengthening organization and advocacy capacities of YPLHIV network and organizations at national and sub-national level, to improve networking, collaboration and leaming between and among YPLHIV network and organizations at national and sub-national level,to enhance joint advocacy and policy influencing with network and organizations of YPLHIV and to improve the UNYPA secretariat systems, Process,and strategic to perform efficiently and effectively” Awori says.
“So we ask everyone to give us a helping hand to construct that training center such that we reduce on funds we spend in Hotels, YPLHIV to get a home where they can sit and discuss on their challenges among others ” Awori concluded.
Currently, over 30% of all new HIV infections globally are estimated to occur among youth ages 15 to 25 years. Also, increasingly, children infected at birth grow into adolescents who have to deal with their HIV positive status. Combining the two, there are 5 million youth living with HIV globally.
Meanwhile Dr Vamsi Vasireddy , Country Director at US Department of Defense who has been the Guest of Honoror,has assured UNYPA that USA government is here to help them do their work with out any disturbances.
“Don’t be worried with fake media reports that we are going to withdraw from support programs YPLHIV in Uganda it can’t happen” Dr Vamsi said.
He has congratulated UNYPA upon reaching 20 years of existence.