Many questions are being possed by Ugandans following the Government’s decision to install tracking devices in all public and private vehicles including; motorbikes,cars and even water vessels whether it will completely eradicate the increasing assassinations and other crimes connected to the use of the above vehicles. The government through the security minister Rtd Maj Gen Jim Muhwezi yesterday confirmed the news. According to the sources, Uganda has already opened contract discussion with an Earasian firm company known as Global Systems LLC to install the spy chips in the categorized vehicles where electronic numbers plates with an electronic signal in them will be “planted”on the vehicles and the owners will pay a fee of shs20000 annually. According to the contract Uganda will only pocket 30 percent of the money collected from penalties in the first two years of the contract and then it will keep increasing untill ten years as agreed on by both sides are completed. J.Muhwezi further addressed the audience that the main purpose of this is to enable the state handle the movements and respond with speed in case of any security insurgency .In past three years Uganda has faced a problem where it’s top officials has been killed by unknown armed gangs traveling using some of the above vehicles and it isbelieved that this together with the installed cameras on roads,such crimes will see their way out of the country.
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