By Isaac Tayabwa,
Godwin Ainobusingye, a second year student of Bachelor of Arts in Education at Kabale University has been declared the overall winner of the university guild presidential race.
In a hotly contested race, Ainobusingye garnered 641 votes of the 1,660 total votes casted (19% overall percentage) defeating his other three rivals with a landslide victory.

The poll exercise on Saturday that started with Tyson Fury Vs Oleksandr Usyk – like fight over failure of the E-voting system, a section of contestants led by Ainobusingye camp petitioned Amon Akampuriira, the EC Boss seeking to postpone the election.
This sparked anger from other candidates who wanted the exercise to continue with physical voting and a fight as giant as ligthning sparked between the two camps. This prompted the university to call in police and the situation was shortly calmed.
At some schools like the School of medicine, physical voting started earlier in the morning at the Kikungiri university playgrounds Southern Division in Kabale municipality.
Following student’s demands, the glitch in the E-voting exercise was fixed and the Aims online voting started late in the evening at around 6am and ended at 12am.
Poll results from the EC indicated Godwin Ainobusingye as the best runner up with 641 votes of the 1,660 total votes casted, folllowed by Derrick Abigaba who obtained 630 votes, Aidah Nakyejwe scored 247 votes whereas Micheal Barigye got only 142 votes.
Reports from the Abigaba camp indicated that he was not satisfied with the declared poll results threatening to petition the Akampuriira commission for a recount.