By Sumaya Amani
“we should always get time to walk with our partners , shopping and so on because we need to hear our different oppinions about what we both love,” Anonymous source said.
“At times you think you know what is best for you yet it is the complete opposite of what your spouse would want. When you go out for shopping with them you make them feel loved and wanted. It also adds value to the love you share,” said Akello a student at MUK.
Giving y your spouses what they want is one of the most important reasons you should go with them whenever doing shopping, there are tastes and preferences. This will help her / him make own right choices of what type of item to purchase.
It also helps couples to connect more with one another since it gives you a chance to know what the other half loves and hates for instance, on things to do with colours, design and bargaining powers. This is good in relationships.
Going out shopping together helps spouses grow closer to one another since usually they don’t get the time they need to feel close to each other. In other words, it causes openness to even issues pertaining their relationship or marriage. This is common with women, she may feel comfortable to tell you about her admirations to a neighbour’s wife dress.
Its romantic in that it creates an unbreakable bond between the spouse’s since you then know what you all like and dislike. This also helps to build trust in each other because in most cases if you don’t give your lover that special time they feel like it’s more than what they think you are to them, at times you are even called cheats yet you are not.
This Easter season give all the love and time to your love apple in every way you can by going with them for shopping.
However, to some couples they hate this activity claiming it’s frustrating especially when the other half has no good bargaining power, over argues on the price, and when one wants to spend much money but fears because there’s the other party. Therefore, couples need to spend a bit more time discusing on shopping list, amount to spend and items to buy before they head to shops then they can both have a clear idea of what they both do or don’t want.
Do you love or hate going out shopping with your lover? Reach us by commenting on this post or tweet us @AkidaParrots.
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FB: May Black
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