The court in Makindye Kampala has directed administrators of a local WhatsApp Group to add back a participant that was previously removed from the group.
Court presided over by Igga Adiru, the acting Grade One Magistrate at Makindye Magistrate Court on Monday ordered Allan Asinguza, an administrator of the famous ‘Buyanja My Roots’ WhatsApp Group to reinstate Herbert Bitwababo in the group.
Buyanja My Roots is a social platform that brings together residents of Buyanja sub-county, Rukungiri district with aim of contributing financial and material support to carry on communal charities in Buyanja. Members are required to make a non-refundable membership fee of Shs30,000/= for subscription to this forum.
On May 16th, 2023, Bitwabaabo, a legal member of the group reportedly issued a letter of the inquiry demanding that Asinguza avail to him instruments that mandates them to manage affairs of the group, an audit report and accountability for the money collected from registered members however, to his dismay he (Asinguza) did not respond to the letter but instead removed him from the group the following day.
This prompted the highly charged Bitwababo to run to court for legal redress accusing the respondent (Asinguza)of violating his rights to association.

In a petition, Bitwababo demanded that court issue orders to Asinguza to re-add him to the group and a permanent order restraining him from removing him from the group in the interest of substantive justice.
The court ruled in favour of the complainant with no costs incurred on either sides.
“A permanent injunction doti issue restraining the respondent, his agents and or his assignees from further infringing on the applicant’s rights to association. No orders as to costs,” Adiru ordered.
The case was ruled in the absence of the respondent.