By Muhereza Modern,
In the last few months, media houses have been in spotlight for hosting mostly men on panel discussions. This has caused a frenzy on social media with these panels being dubbed “manels” by modern feminists followed by a Twitter hashtag #EndManels
Social media especially Twitter has become a center of gravity for these kinds of radicle feminists who are so conscious and ready to exasperate anything they feel is against women. They have exposed men to every kind of ridicule. To them any accusation of a man from a woman is right and to them every man is guilty.

We are living in an era of toxic modern feminism that is deeply rooted in bigotry of men. With the movement masquerading as a fight for “equality for women” and maligning patriachy as an obsolete oppressive system of women, this brand of feminism seeks to kill masculinity and whats a world without strong man hood?
I believe feminism in its nascent times was a noble and genuine cause that mainly hinged on legal equality, suffrage rights for women, ending gender based discrimination and recognizing all women as equally competent like all men. These issues through affirmative action have been rectified nevertheless that doesn’t take away the fact some isolated cases of sexism still exists. The danger with modern feminism is that it seeks to exasperate these cases to justify its bigotry for men.
If the bastions of first wave feminism came back, they would be surprised by the the kind of social causes these modern day feminists are fighting for. Some of these bastions lost lives, property and literally everything concerning them was at stake but what are the causes these modern feminists are fighting for?, a right to use their body as they want, a right to be nude how they want, a right to be recognized as heads in families etc. It’s very possible that if this continues, there will be a regression of what the initial bastions of first wave sane feminism achieved.
Analysing this movement in a holistic perspective, its a scorched earth attack on family. Christianity being my faith and conviction, I always try to subject everything to scrutiny basing on bibilical principles. Iam persuaded to believe that the bibilical scriptures contain timeless wisdom that when harnessed and applied effectively can guide you on all aspects of life. The modern feminism philosophy is against Ephesians. 5.23 that says a man is the Head of the wife.
It’s is very unfortunate that my generation lacks the basic analytical skills that the past generation had. We are a generation that is so gullible even to the slightest propaganda. We consume and believe everything the mainstream media tells us. We are the target market of all opinions despite their motives. We do not care to question any thing even our our conventional beliefs. This is the reason that such dangerous ideologies have been sold to us easily.
The problem with modern feminism is that it’s driven by hyperbole and sensationalism. These feminists will just jump on any issue without even critically analysing it. We have seen them accusing men of sexual harrasment who are later acquitted after great damages have been inflicted. Attacking a media house for hosting only men on a panel with out first understanding the criteria followed is wrong. You cannot effectively judge the outcome without understanding the process. I don’t know of any media house that have disqualified any woman from being on a panel on the basis of her gender.
I believe the struggle for equal rights and equal opportunities for women which were the initial general principles of feminism has been successful and the world is better now compared to the past. It’s like this kind of modern feminism is now seeking to turn the status quo which is a direct attack to masculity thus the question; “Is modern Feminism a lost cause?”
By Muhereza Modern, the Author is a Ugandan Businessman and Social Analyst