The ongoing total lockdown in the northern uganda district of Gulu has sparked off fires from the Acholi region leaders.
A total lockdown that started today morning (Wednesday June24,2020) with armed men deployed in all corners of the town blocking travel routes for buses and Taxis in and outside Gulu district caused tensions between the locals and the District Task Force.
Speaking on the floor of Parliament today, Hon Lily Adong, the Woman Member of Parliament for Nwoya district expressed grief on the ongoing lockdown in Gulu which has left several passengers including businessmen, young children and women stranded.
MP Lily Adong has raised the matter of total lockdown of Gulu district on the floor of Parliament seeking for reconsideration to lift the lockdown.

She told parliament that the people of Gulu and Acholi have been patient and compliant directives arguing that putting them under the lockdown makes them vulnerable.
“The lockdown in Gulu iscreating anxiety as Gulu is not a border district and hosting cases brought from other districts,” she added.
This prompted the Speaker of Parliament Rt Hon Rebecca A Kadaga to direct the Health Minister Dr Jane Ruth Aceng to come to the house to clarify and give guidance on the same matters.
Mp Lily Adong further demanded for the government distribution of relief food and face masks to the vulnerable people in the Acholi land who are affected by the measures of Corona virus lockdown.
It should be noted that on Monday President Museveni ordered for a stay of lockdownfor the Eight districts at the borders with high risks of COVID-19 lifting public transport restrictions on other 33 border districts with less or no cases of COVID-19.
However, Gulu district was today morning put under lockdown yet its not on the border. Its not yet clear why it was so done.
By filling this news report, Parrotsug had learned about Gulu district RDC, Santos Okot Lapolo’s move to write to the office of the president in Kampala seeking for guidance on the lockdown.
I have fail to understand what kind of government is this because at time they thing just intensionally to mistreat some people. Gulu district itself has no clear cases of corona so why is the government puting putting a total lockdown in Gulu.