By Gilbert Akampa Kakurugu,
The Mbarara City Mayor Robert Kakyebezi has commended city factory operators for ensuring eco-friendly manufacturing and proper disposal of waste to conserve River Rwizi.
Kakyebezi was speaking to journalists after completing his 5km run at the Save River Rwizi Marathon held at Booma golf course grounds in Mbarara on Sunday. The marathon was organized by Abahumuza Development Group, Ministry of water and environment, National Water and Sewage Corporation (NWSC) in close partnership with factory operators in Mbarara such as Lato Milk, GBK milk, Coca Cola, Nile Breweries among others.
“I am very happy that now the factories operating in our city are taking participation in the wave to save River Rwizi,” commended mayor Kakyebezi.
River Rwizi has been in the recent past choked with plastics and other garbage largely attributed to factories producing drinks in Mbarara. The wastes float in the river which affects agricultural, domestic and commercial activities in the Ankole sub-region districts which rely on the river.

Mayor Kakyebezi has asked the public to take charge of conserving the river through tree planting on the catchment areas, proper disposal of waste such as plastics, and participating in activities to protect the River waters because it largely benefits them.
“Saving Rwizi River is not the work of the council alone. It is a responsibility of everybody that stays in this city,” he said
The mayor further commended the contribution of institutions such as the media, universities and other tertiaries towards championing campaign for Save River Rwizi. He called for more awareness on climate change

“We still need to sensitize people such that everybody in Mbarara knows that they are surviving on the water that comes from River Rwizi,” Kakyebezi said.
Despite the water supply project from River Kagera that is soon opening in Mbarara city, Kakyebezi has urged residents to conserve River Rwizi because it is the mother source of water for consumption and other activities within the city.
He revealed council plans to ensure storage of waters from River Rwizi to avoid water shortages in Mbarara.

“There are plans by the River Rwizi Catchment Committee to put up a dam to store water that comes from River Rwizi for factory works and domestic use,” he said
This year’s Save River Rwizi Marathon is the second phase with the first campaign held last year.