Landlords in Mbarara Municipality have been warned against evicting their tenants over rent arrears contrary to the presidential directives to landlords in this COVID-19 lockdown.
Lt Col. James Mwesigye, the RDC Mbarara district said that he has been receiving contacts from tenants complaining about merciless landlords threatening to throw them outside their rentals over rent arrears.
In other news, police today conducted joint operations with Updf in various divisions of Mbarara municipality and impounded over 40 Boda Bodas on allegations of defying the presidential directives and breaching of the MoH guidelines.
The 40 impounded Boda Bodas were found carrying passengers other than the recommended cargos . Both the riders and their passengers were arrested.
Police also arrested five Taxi touts who were found extorting money from Taxi operators which the municipality suspended.