By Mercy Agumenaitwe and Leonard Kamugisha Akida,
The number of fathers neglecting families to the suffering of children and mothers in Kikuube district has increased according to local authorities
This has been disclosed by Sam Byarugaba, the profound leader of the Abagomba clan in Bunyoro.

Byarugaba was on Saturday speaking to mourners at the burial ceremony of Jackson Ahimbisibwe, 2yrs, at kyekyoreka cell Kiziranfumbi Subcounty KIkuube district.
During the burial, It was disclosed that the deceased, a son to Tugume Evelyn and Fanyensi Jackson was abandoned by his father who denied responsibility of the mother’s pregnancy even when he was born. The cause of his death was malaria and low blood in the body according to the deceased mother.
In his speech, the Abagomba clan head noted that he doesn’t know the father of the grandson neither do he know his whereabouts but only hear in rumours that he stays in kagadi.
Byarugaba who was angry at the mysterious father of the deceased said that he deliberately refused to announce the death of the grandson because he expected the father’s side would claim the body of their child.
He was however displeased to learn that the responsible father had communicated that he he has no time and so the mothers side continued with burial arrangements.
In his remarks , Byarugaba alluded that , “Girls and women must stand warned in the role of these moving men!” He cautioned women that the role of men and youth is to “Kwemya” a Runyoro word meaning making somebody pregnant and thereafter they disappear for life .
The Kiziranfumbi Subcounty LCIII Chairperson, Sadrack Muhumuza implored residents not to sell their land and later become labourers to the rich. He emphasized group formulation and utlising government programs.
Kyomugisa Teddy, the councilor representing people of Kiziranfumbi Subcounty to the district council told men and couples that children God- given gifts and angels in a family urging them not to neglect children and abandon families.
Kyomugisha was representing Peter Banura Araali, the LC5 Kikuube District.
In an eulogy read on behalf of the district boss, she expressed the poor status of roads in Kizirafumbi such as the six year planned for upgrading Kiziranfumbi_Ruhanga road stating that the Kikuube District Local Government has already completed arrangements to work on the road through Capital Abubaker Contractors.
She also highlighted on electricity extensions plan noting that technicians are on ground and very soon the extensioms will commence in a phased manner, home to home rural electrification.
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She called for Kiswaza Report on child abuse, child labour and other forms of arashment in Kikuube.
Mourners at the funeral have been asked to send application letters to the commercial Office kiryandongo District for an opportunity of studying vocational training as a government program on skilling Uganda.
Cases of child neglect have been reported in other sub-counties of KIkuube district and other parts of the country where many young women have been impregnated and left to sweep their biological parents’ compounds.
The police 2020 report on child and family protection indicate that over 2687 men had deserted their homes.
Francis Ogweng, a child protection officer at policeheadquarters in Naguru told reports on Father’s Day 2021 that cases of child desertion by fathers were on rise.
“Its absurd that men instead of working hard to make their homes comfortable, have turned themselves into being deserters,” Ogweng told the New Vision.
According to Ogweng, men are abandoning their families due to competing interests with their wives, laziness to tender for their families among other reasons.
He advises men who are incapable of taking care of their families not to marry and or produce children
“I want to call on fathers to be responsible if you cannot take care of children, please don’t produce. If you can’t food, if you can’t pay school fees, why do you produce?” Rhetorical Ogweng said.
Shared Content: Kikuube TV & PARROTS UG