By Precious Ankunda,
President Museveni has directed that all mon- vaccinated passengers should be denied access to transport as he fully reopened private and public transport and other sectors of the economy.
President Museveni: “The transport sector, which has been operating at 50%, will be opened fully but with the necessary SOPs like wearing masks.”
“Public and Private transport should fully reopen carrying passengers to full capacity only to fully vaccinated people, with exception on school going pupils below the age of 18 years,” he added.

Museveni made the remarks on Friday evening during the nation address on New Year message at his home Rwakitura Rwakitura in Kiruhura District.
In a televised address, the president reopened schools that is; secondary, primary and lower primary schools to fully reopen effective January 10, 2022.
He advised that these should reopen in a staggered manner starting with upper classes urging the ministry of education to issue clear guidelines on schools reopening.
Museveni has urged Ugandans to get vaccinated against corona virus particularly adults above 50 years of age whom he asked to receive a third jab commonly known as immune booster jabs.
“Jajas, even though you have been vaccinated with the booster dose, do not mix with the children when they return from school.” Museveni said.
Among other reopened sectors are bars, performing arts like music concerts, cinema walls to mention but a few, which will reopena fortnight after reopening of schools.
“The bars and concerts will open 2 weeks after the reopening of schools.Cinema halls and sports events will open with SOPs,”

He added; “Curfew will be lifted for everybody after the performing arts resume. This is for everybody apart from the boda bodas. Bodas will continue following the curfew of 7 PM. The relevant ministries will guide.”
However, the President warned that all the directives will be reversed should COVID-19 situation continue worsening in the country.
“If we find that patients are filling up to 50% of the ICU beds, we shall have to revise some of these measures,” he said.