Over 13,682 defiled most of whom are girls were defiled in the year 2019.
Reports by Uganda Police indicate that a total number of 13,682 children most of whom are girls were defiled between 2018 & 2019.
According to the Police Annual Crime Report2019 defilement cases reduced by 11.4% in 2019 although it still pose a big threat to the country.
IGP Martin Okoth Ochola launching Police Annual Crime Repot 2019 at Police Hqtrs in Naguru Kampala today Tuesday April28th,2020.
Martin Okoth Ochola, the Inspector General of Police while launching the report today Tuesday April28th,2020 out cried over the trending reported cases of defilement saying that the acts are unacceptable in the Ugandan society.
He also noted an increase in other crimes such as Corruption, Cyber harassments and homicide cases in the country citing out regions of Kampala Metropolitan Policing Area, Greater Masaka, and Busoga areas as most criminal prone areas.
The findings reported a decrease in the volume of crimes by 9.8% from the total 238,746 cases reported in 2018 compared to 2156,224 cases reported in 2019.
He attributed the decrease in crimes on the concerted efforts by the Government ,Uganda Police and sister security agencies on handling criminal cases.
Ochola implored citizens, stakeholders to coordinate with UPF to fight crimes.
“Let us fight all forms of crime to make sure that our nation is secure” Ochola said.