Two arrested, one on a run for assaulting an elderly woman by Gilbert Akampa Kakurugu March 9, 2020 1 By Leonard Kamugisha AkidaIn a bid to ensure justice is prevailed, territorial police in Bushenyi is holding two suspects for...
Mp Mwijukye donates a cow to a school pupil with out a uniform by Gilbert Akampa Kakurugu March 9, 2020 1 By Leonard Kamugisha Akida Whoever said that God lifts people from grasses to graces, Ghetto to Boston, no one to someone...
Bizarre profane as Malawian Mum marries own son over spending a lot on his tuition. by Gilbert Akampa Kakurugu March 6, 2020 0 Mother marries own son in MalawiBy: Leonard Kamugisha AKIDA"Sex between people in consanguinity is a grave offence in the African...
Way of the cross prayers by Gilbert Akampa Kakurugu March 5, 2020 0 Opening PrayersO Jesus, our adorable Saviour, we now contemplate Your sacred passion. Help us to understand that the sufferings of...
The Angelus Voice of my University Chapel Choir Master crazily lured me in his arms, KU student reveals her love secrets a head of their relationship Paper Anniversary. by Gilbert Akampa Kakurugu February 20, 2020 1 April love birds Babrah Nahwera (R) and Martin Turigye (L) deeply in love.Photo Credit: FP"The Angelus Voice of my University Chapel Choir Master crazily...