By Gilbert Akampa Kakurugu,
The president of Forum for Democratic Change Chapter at KIU, Najib Kuteesa has petitioned the party Electoral Commission challenging candidature of two candidates contesting on National Youth League Executive.
Kuteesa contends that two of the candidates namely Brian Okori , candidate for Youth League Chairperson and Ivan Massawi, candidate for Youth League Secretary General position are not delegates from any of the districts, or any education institution in the country.
According to the FDC party Electoral Commission, qualified leaders to vie for any position in the national youth league are district youth chairpersons, vice chairpersons and 20 representatives from institutions and universities.
Over 280 youth from across the country have today gathered at FDC headquarters in Najjanankumbi Kampala to vote for their leaders in the national youth league.
By press time, the FDC Chief Electoral Commissioner, Boniface Toterebuka Bamwenda together with his commissioners, the petitioner, respondents and the current leaders were in a closed door meeting to discuss the petition.

Meanwhile, the election exercise for women national executive league is underway with candidates addressing delegates. Voting for both leagues will kick off in few hours.