By Leonard Kamugisha Akida,
Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) spokesperson, John Kikonyogo has said that the Leader of Opposition in parliament, Rt. Hon. Mathias Mpuuga Nsamba attempts to blackmail the FDC over their opposed decision to the ongoing opposition boycott of parliament is to help him as an individual harbouring political ambitions to create scenarios that puts him at the centre of political dissention and create a false wave on whose crest he intends to ride, as the savior of the victims of human rights violations in Uganda.
“This is something which is very serious and sometimes it touches our bad nerves when some people start politicking in an issue that involves people’s lives and their livelihoods,” Kikonyogo said on Monday.
The FDC mouthpiece said Mpuuga is using the boycott as a scapegoat to ride on for political praises and recognition.
“It is very dangerous when you are still fighting to rescue someone and at the same time you are fighting for political recognition,” he warned. ” You may not succeed because the people who don’t wish you success may end up fighting you from within your camp.”
Kikonyogo who could neither admit not deny plotting to pull out of the boycott said it was not properly organized and suggested that Mpuuga should engage with leaders of other opposition political parties, and other senior in consultations about staging a planned and successful boycott.

“We at first thought it was fighting for our 18 missing people and their families […], but, there are people taking political advantages out of it,” said Kikonyogo.
He added that; ” It was necessary [and] it is still necessary to have consulted the leaders of all other political parties so as you move in consensus as people fighting for the rights of Ugandans.”
“If you do things and want to get praise out of them then we shall get it wrong. Our opposition leaders should up their game and consult those who were in the office of LOP before and how they did it. Now here we are that whatever we do, we want everyone to know that we are the ones doing it. That type of nonsense should stop,” Kikonyogo said.
According to Kikonyogo, the end game should now be on seeking to get out of prisons the missing people and other political prisoners than bickering and mudslinging those opposed to the boycott.
On the other hand, Mpuuga said the office of the Leader of Opposition engaged with whips of all opposition political parties in parliament before the boycott was declared. He said opposition MPs are not returning to parliament soon until concerns raised in the house regarding human rights abuse are addressed.