The police in Rukungiri district have arrested two men connected to the merciless killing of a 23-year-old Jordan Nuwahereza, a brick maker in Nyamicucu village Ihunga Parish in Nyarushanje Sub County Rukungiri District.
The suspects have been identified as John Kamugisha and Boaz Turyabe both residents of Karamo village Ihunga Parish in Nyarushanje Sub County.
According to Elly Maate the Kigezi regional police spokesperson, the body of Nuwahereza was recovered in his room with multiple body cuts yesterday morning.
Residents told police that Nuwahereza went missing on June12th but had earlier had land disputes with a one John Kamugisha who upon the recovery of Nuwahereza’s body was a prime suspect because he had also made threatening utterances against the life of the deceased.
Elly Maate confirmed the arrest and stated that the two suspects are detained at Kabale Central Police Station as inventions into the matters are in progress.