By Leonard Kamugisha Akida,
The Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) has announced that preparations are complete for the upcoming Primary Leaving Examinations (PLE).
“Final preparations for the Primary Leaving Examinations are underway this week, starting with the briefing of district monitors,” stated Jennifer Kalule Musamba, UNEB Principal Public Relations Officer.
According to the official UNEB timetable, PLE will take place on Wednesday, November 6th, and Thursday, November 7th, 2024.

UNEB data indicates that 798,763 candidates have registered for this year’s PLE, reflecting a 6.6% increase from 749,371 candidates in 2023. This year’s candidates include 760 learners with Special Needs Education (SNE) and 108 inmates (107 males and one female) who are set to sit for exams at Luzira Upper and Mbarara Main prisons.
Meanwhile, writing of the Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) examinations for Senior 4 students continues under two series: the New Lower Secondary Curriculum (NLSC) and the Transitional Exams.
Today, NLSC candidates are sitting for Biology practicals in the morning, followed by Lugha na Fasihi ya Kiswahili (Kiswahili Language and Literature) in the afternoon. Transitional Exams candidates are writing Christian Religious Education (CRE) or Islamic Religious Education (IRE) in the morning, followed by Commerce in the afternoon.