By Leonard Kamugisha AKIDA
akida@parrotsug +256706640016
Loudmouthed Wilson Amanya Kakuru says he is cocksure to end acts of early marriages which violates the rights , health lives of teenage girls in Kyankwanzi district.
Kakuru who is vying for the LCV Youth Councillor on NRM ticket, observed that child marriage, teenage pregnancy and other reports of gender based violence continue to hamper the advancement of girls’ rights in Kyankwanzi especially those living in cattle corridors.
In Uganda, cases of early marriages are on rampage and teenagers are epic victims of the practices. For instance in 2016 Uganda Demographic Health Survey (UDHS) report indicates that an estimated 25 per cent of Ugandan teenage girls are either mothers or pregnant.
According to the UNICEF Report of 2011, Uganda is one of the countries with the highest early and forced marriages. 10 per cent of girls are married off before the age of 15 and 40 per cent of girls married off before their 18th birthday.
In order to address this, Kakuru suggests choosing leaders who would ably highlight obligations, identify perpetrators as a basic tool of fighting the practices.
“There is a need to empower young girls, Parents and guardians with Vivid information about early marriages, this can only be done when leaders are involved,” Kakuru asserted.

In addition to that, he said that some youth with special needs (PWDs) are left out in programmes which benefit the youth such as Youth Livelihood Program. He further appealed to the youth to use their electoral rights as mediums to raise their voices whenever choosing leaders.
He calls for PWDs inclusiveness pledging to embark on projects which benefit them.
According to Kakuru, there is a plenty of NGOs, Gov’t agencies with projects to benefit Persons with Special needs in the country – Kyankwanzi included. However, he stated a challenge of limited leaders capable of identifying and lobbying for these groups.
Furthermore, he vowed to mobilise, coordinate and draw the youth nearer resources available meant to empower and transform their socioeconomic and political lives through establishing youth entrepreneurship groups registered with the district.
About Kakuru.
Wilson Amanya Kakuru is born in Kitelede cell, Katugo Parish, Nsambya sub county Butemba, Kyankwanzi district. He attended Kikonda Parents P/S in Kyankwanzi, Bwika SSS & Mandela SSS both in neighboring Hoima district for O & A’levels respectively. He then joined Labour College of E.A affiliated to AFRISA Makerere for a Diploma in Livestock Production and Animal Health Management whereafter, he went to Kampala International University (KIU) to enroll his studies in Bachelor of Economics majoring in Procurement & Logistics Management.

Kakuru’s name came into limelights while at KIU where he served as the Guild Prime Minister having been elected a GRC representing the College of Economics (CEMS) in 2018/19 Guild Council.
Owing to his hard work and activism role in women & girls affairs, he was appointed a KIU Project Ambassador on Sexual Harassments funded by Uganda Women Network (UWONET) and also Action Aid Uganda Project Coordinator on Gender Based Violence (GBV) both at KIU and other tertiary institutions.
Given this gender based background, Kakuru is more less a headstrong leader that the Youth in Kyankwanzi would not dare lose for their economic, social and political prosperity.
As if that’s not enough, the name Kakuru is selling as a hot cake in Kyankwanzi written almost on all walls of fame since January 2019 when he hosted the Toro King His Highness Oyo Nyimba Kamba Iguru Rukidi IV .
The Omukama was introduced to various youth projects in Kyankwanzi where he pledged academic scholarship opportunities to underprivileged children & youth in the area. This bridged the love between the youth of Kyankwanzi and Toro Kingdom, on top of many looking at Kakuru a youthful lobbyist.
Kakuru is reknown of mobilization and sensitization capabilities in the area regarding youth social issues.
Your doing amazing work The 🦜