When Martin Luther King Jnr said that; “The time is always right to do what is right.” “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that,” He was speaking to the mind of Ambrose Byamugisha, a consultant turn politician whose humanity is greatly impacting hundreds of thousands lives in Mitooma district communities.
Byamugisha whose name is in all corners of Mitooma in the socioeconomic and political spheres has influenced women, children and the youth realize and harness their potentials.
Through his Ambrosoli Consult Uganda Ltd, Byamugisha has been offering mentorshiptrainings in schools, women & youth groups. This has equipped the latter with entrepreneurship, financial literacy and leadership skills to mention but three.
‘Darkness cannot drive out darkness,’ in this corona virus pandemic, Byamugisha is steadfastly creating positive changes in his community through creating community awarenesses, sensitization of masses on the need to enforce health guidelines on COVID-19.This is done through Radio Ads, Recorded Audiovisual messages which make circulations on social media platforms to keep his community informed about COVID-19.
About two weeks ago,this online publication ran a story of Byamugisha supporting his people with food relief from donations he lobbies from friends and his personal funds.
He has since then through his Political Pin Doctors in and outside Ruhinda county Mitooma district donated other items including cartond of handwashing soap, PPEs, disseminated Radio and Social media awareness messages on corona virus and sensitizing his electorates on the set guidelines to prevent deadly corona virus disease.
Dismas Ahwera, one of the Byamugisha political camp pin doctors in Mitooma Town Council has for the last days been distributing soaps, and other household items to the people of Mitooma town council. The elders, single parents and students were the major benefactors of these items.
According to Ahwera, most of these were chosen because they are always looked at as marginalized groups and not included in gov’t social programmes by selfish leaders.
Some of the benefactors who talked to this publication hailed the championship of Byamugisha towards fighting against corona virus disease in Mitooma districtpledging their political support come 2021.
Ms Agaba Joan, one of the university students who benefited from the handwashing soap applauded his efforts to ensure better welfare of Mitooma people. She said that she will use the resources at hand to sensitize others.
Byamugisha, a city business & education consultant, educationist turned into politician is vying for the MP seat of Ruhinda county Mitooma district on an NRM ticket.
He is one of the leading frontrunners on this position and his name has doubtless been in the limelights of the districts due to his active participations in political, entrepreneurial and other social activities.
These and more makes him a light that drives out darkness, the love that drives out hate in the district.
Unlike other political amateurs who have through hard means maneuvered to gain political space in the district, Byamugisha as written in the gospel of St Mathew 22:14, “For many are called but few are chosen,” is among if not the only one chosen whose political space was opened up even before than he expressed his political interests.
With his expertise in Entrepreneurship, leadership and modern politics, there’s no doubt that his political ambitions in Ruhinda county are sown on fertile grounds.