By Leonard Kamugisha Akida,
The National Building Review Board (NBRB) on Wednesday launched the second edition of the National Building Control Awards (NBCA) 2024.
Speaking at the launching ceremony held at NBRB offices in Kampala, Eng. Anthony Rucukye representing the Board’s Executive Secretary said his year’s NBCA will highlight advancements in technology and environmental harmony within the built environment.
“NBRB is thrilled to launch the second edition of the NBCA to recognize, honor and reward players who have endeavored to adhere to the built-environment regulatory frameworks”, said Eng. Rucukye.
Eng. Rucukye explained that the awards will acknowledge individuals and organizations who have developed technology or made some significant improvement on the existing technologies in their operations awards, and embraced sustainability parameters such as energy efficiency, natural ventilation, and water efficiency, green spaces, waste reduction and recycling among other eco-friendly construction measures in their projects.

The players will according to the bureau be nominated in seven categories including Class A building award, Class B building award, Class C building award, Building Committee award, Building Committee Officer award, Building Contractors award, and Building materials manufacturers award.
Eng. Betty Nakamya, the Vice Chairman of NBRB who presided over the official launch of the awards said that voting started with immediate effect and will run for a period of two months until September 17.
Members of the general public have been implored to participate in the exercise to vote for their potential nominees across all categories.
She noted that voting will be online via the NBRB portal followed by data analysis, shortlisting of the nominees and a field verification exercise by a team of independent experts from Professional Engineers (UIPE), Uganda Society of Architects (USA), Institution of Surveyors of Uganda (ISU), Uganda Police Force – Directorate of Fire and Rescue Services, Academia, Institute of Internal Auditors Uganda, Uganda National Association of Builders, Suppliers & Engineering Contractor (UNABSEC), Uganda Manufacturers Association (AMA), and the National Council for Persons with Disabilities and Partners.
“The final winners shall be declared by an independent panel of experts at the Grand Awards ceremony on Friday 6th December, 2024,” NBRB reported.
This year’s NBCA is organized under the theme; “Building for Sustainability,” aim to recognise and reward stakeholders who have shown outstanding compliance with regulatory frameworks.