By Our Reporter,
Uganda national Tennis team for boys that are meant to play in this year’s Davis cup says they are not ready to start playing trials.
Players claim the federation should first consider paying them a certain amount of money before they actually participate.
According to coach John Oduke says as a federation, they will look for other options if they don’t want to play.
“If they don’t want to play,its simple,players are many we shall let them do what they want or else they can simply consider playing first them after we shall have to table their views to the top administrators but after delivering,”
“When one goes for an interview and you’re shortlisted,one should not expect any pay passing the interview? Or one has to wait until he/she has is selected for a job.”Oduke reasoned.

” I think they should be patient and first play because after the Davis cup that was in Congo Brazzaville they received their money after the competition.”he added
When we contacted Alvin Bagaya the administrator of the association he said he cannot comment saying that it’s the task for his board members.
This year’s competitions will be held in either Rwanda or Cameroon next month